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We Americans are living longer.

Our life expectancy has jumped from an average of 68 years in 1950 to a projected average of 84 years by 2050. Coupled with this projection, US birth rates have been steadily declining over this same period of time.. The inescapable result is that people over 65 years of age are becoming an ever increasingly significant portion of our US population, and by all indications will continue to do so.

Older people are not only living longer today but are also healthier than their predecessors of a few generations ago. Medical science has become far more effective at improving their health status, and seniors are becoming increasingly proactive in adopting healthier life styles through proper nutrition, exercise, social involvement and stress relief.

Consequently, our attitudes about aging are changing. The "rocking chair" mentality of a few generations ago has been increasingly superseded by a "stay active" paragon. Seniors are much less likely to allow themselves to be consigned to assisted living, to retirement communities, and to nursing homes because they've lost some of their functional capabilities. Rather, surveys show that they strongly prefer to remain in their traditional habitats. They prize their independence.

And, by making appropriate modifications to their living quarters that accommodate whatever infirmities they may incur, senior safety, comfort and convenience can be significatly improved, enabling them to remain happily ensconced in their own homes.

Collectively, these residential modifications have become codified and labeled as the process of "aging in place". They can be characterized as the practice of creating living spaces that allow persons with disabilities, age-related or otherwise, to remain in their habitual residences through the bulk of their golden years.

Many residential products and design principles have been developed in recent years in support of "aging in place" objectives. And, an army of specialists duly christened as "Certified Agents in Place Specialists" (CAPS), has been trained to create "aging in place" living spaces according to these design principles and utilizing these products. I am one of those so trained and so christened. CAPS represent a valuable source of "aging in place" knowledge for the general public as well as providing "aging in place" design and installation services.

That's where we come in. Our passion, and consequently our mission, is to educate the "aging in place" marketplace with what "aging in place" is all about. Being a senior citizen myself, I have a strong personal interest in making the powerful, quality-of-life benefits of "aging in place" known and available to the New York metropolitan marketplace.

Consequently, my agency offers "aging in place" consulation, design and installation services, the details of which are presented elsewhere in this website. We also offer, as licensed real estate agents, complete downsizing and relocation services, which are often required in "aging in place" projects, and combine well with home modification services to form a convenient, well-coordinated package.

We invite you to pick our brains. We're happy to serve as fonts of knowledge for you to tap into to learn anything you want to know about "aging in place".

Thanks and regards!


Paul G. Bifani
Certified Aging in Place Specialist
Licensed Real Estate Agent
400 Central Park West
New York City NY 10025

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